Online Resources for Students
The first time you try to access these websites, you will need to enter a username and password in order to login. You can get a list of username and passwords from Mrs. Ramirez in the library.
Four databases (Animals, Biographies, Social Studies, Earth/Space) offer easy to read or listen to information. They include timelines, pictures and videos.
WB Kids, WB Student, WB Advanced, WB Discover, Enciclopedia Esudiantil Hallazgos offer encyclopedia articles, a dictionary, atlas, images, video clips and world newspapers.
Amazing Animals and America the Beautiful
Websites selected for educational use. Includes timelines and bibliographical information.
Searchasaurus and KidSearch offer full-text articles from magazines, newspapers, education journals, newswires, transcripts, reports, primary source documents, biographies, almanacs, dictionaries, maps, and flags.