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Highland Park Elementary School

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Library Policies & Procedures

Library Policies and Procedures

Library Hours
Monday 8am - 3pm
Tuesday-Friday 8:45am-3pm
Library Services
Our Library offers the following services for students, parents and teachers:
Library Skills Lessons
Flexible Scheduling
Open check out for students throughout the day
Parent Checkout
Professional Resources
Online Databases
Technology Trainings
Accelerated Reader
Internet Access
Interlibrary Loan for staff
Circulation Policy
Kindergarten students and new students should fill out a Pflugerville ISD Library Policy Form before checking out materials from our library.

Patron Type

Number of Books Allowed

Check-Out Period

Kinder – 1st*


2 weeks

2nd – 5th


2 weeks



2 weeks


*First Grade students will be allowed to check out 2 books when they begin participating in the Accelerated Reader (AR) program.

Overdue & Lost Book Policies
Books are checked out for 2 weeks and may be renewed.  There are no fines for late books, but lost or damaged books must be paid for before new books can be checked out.   If a "lost" book is found, a refund will be given.
Parent Check Out
 Parents are welcome to get a library card and check out up to 5 books at time from our library.  If you are interested, please fill out a form and turn it in to Mrs. Ramirez.  Forms are also available in the library.