Student Health Status
Student Health Status
A student may be sent home because of a health need if he/she:
1. Appears ill and is unable to do class work.
2. Is suspected of having a contagious disease/condition.
3. Sustains an injury which needs medical attention or close observation.
4. Exhibits vomiting and diarrhea during school hours.
5. Has a fever of 100.4 or greater ( a student may not return to school until fever free for 24 hours and off of fever reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin)
So that each student's record can be kept current and accurate, it is necessary that any major change (illness, accident or surgery) be reported. For new students this can be done at the time of registration by completing the "Health History" form.
· If the student is restricted or limited in any way due to illness or accident, a note from the doctor at the time of the student's return to school is required.
· If you keep your child home due to an illness please be sure to send a note of explanation with a parent signature when they return to school.