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Highland Park Elementary School

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Frequently Asked Questions 2023 - 2024

1. What time does the school day start and end?

School starts at 7:35 AM and students will be considered tardy if not in their classroom at that time. School ends at 2:50 PM.

2.  How does being tardy affect my child?

When a student enters class after the teacher has begun instruction, he/she misses out on instruction. Also, if a child has three tardies within a grading period, he/she will not be recognized for perfect attendance even though no absences have occurred. Excessive tardies may also lead to parents being filed for Attendance Court. 

3. How can I contact my child's teacher?

If you call during the teacher's conference time, you will be transferred directly to the classroom; if not, you can leave a message (voice mail). Conference times and voicemail numbers can be found on the staff page of this website.  You can also contact the teacher using email.

4. What should I do if my child is sick and misses school?

Two things must be done every time a child is absent: 1) call Ms. Ruvalcaba school registrar, at 594-6800, on the day of the absence by 8:15 am to document; and 2) you must turn in a parent or a doctor's note to the office the day the student returns to school. Excessive absences will lead to the parent being filed for Attendance Court. In addition, students must be present 90% of the school days in order to be promoted to the next grade level. 

5. Can I eat lunch with my child?

Parents are always welcome to eat lunch with their children.  ALL visitors must sign in at the office and obtain a visitor pass. Parents must eat with the student at the provided tables in the foyer or on the stage. Due to limited seating, we ask that you please save this treat for special occasions. 

6. Can my child pass out birthday invitations at school?

If your child includes every student in the classroom, invitations can be passed out at school.

7. Can I bring gifts, balloons, cupcakes, cookies, or cakes to school for my child’s birthday?

Gifts and balloons are not allowed in the classroom as these may cause a distraction to classroom learning. We prefer that cupcakes be brought to share with the class. Cupcakes need to be passed out in the classrooms and not the cafeteria. The State of Texas does not allow Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value (FMNV) to be given to students during the lunch period.  Cupcakes can be served during the last 30 minutes of class.  Please talk to your child's teacher at least 24 hours in advance so that she may obtain parental permission for other students to participate. We have many students who suffer from food allergies and we want to keep everyone safe!

8. What type of shoes does my child need for P.E.?

Students at HPES need to have closed-toe shoes for participation in our P.E. program (ex: athletic, tennis shoe, or sneakers). Students are very active during this time and need sturdy shoes to protect their feet. This requirement is now a part of the PISD Dress Code.

9. I have questions about my child's bus. Who should I contact?

You can contact Bus Dispatch at 594-0450, to address any of your concerns.

10. How can I volunteer?

Volunteers are always welcome. Please come by the office and let us know how you would like to help. Volunteers must go through the PISD Volunteer background check. The volunteer application is located at PFISD Volunteer Application

11) How can I find out if the school will be closed due to bad weather?

1) All major television networks will be notified of school closings. In addition, you will receive emails and text messages. 

2) Pflugerville ISD will post school closings on the website at .

12) Where can I find the latest information about my campus? 

All parents who submit an email address will receive a weekly newsletter from the principal. It is also located on our website under the Principal's Blog 

You may also contact the campus at 512.594.6800 for any questions you may have.